7 Brutal things that lower your feminine assets

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As most women learned from home, you have to a be strong and powerful women. The brutal thing is that you lower your feminine side. Why not be both. 

As my mom always says, your Bachelor or Master degree is your first man. It brings food to the table. And this goes on from generation to generation, especially in the “black” women society.

But with that, we lower our feminine asset if we don’t use them for the best. We’ve been taught to play different roles.

We are men and women at the same time. Most of the time, we don’t even notice we’re doing this because we were raised that way to survive as women.

And with that, we sent mixed messages to men. 

Let’s top doing this as feminine ladies. 

Avoid these 7 brutal things that lower your feminine assets.

1. Brutal thing to avoid is to stop playing though

Most women have learned to be strong. If you want to survive, you have to keep your pants up.  But with that, we take over the role of the man. We, as ladies, want to show man we don’t need them.

fBrutal things that lowers your feminine asset

We can fight our fight by being tough. But what we’re doing is pushing the man away, especially the one we need.

The man with value who we as ladies are craving for.  And vice versa, those high calibre man wants a feminine lady that they take care of.  Instead, by being tough, use your strongness to support the right man. As they say;

Behind every successful man stands  a strong woman

2. Avoid acting like a man! this lower your feminine Asset

This looks like the same above, but the difference is that you take over the man’s role in the house. You take care of everything.  You aren’t giving your man any chance to do what he is for.

The brutal thing is that some men take this as an advantage and use you.

Let the man perform his role so you can be that feminine woman.  And if he can’t show what he has been putting for on this world, then this is not the man you want to stay with. After all, he’s just lowering your feminine assets.

3. Brutal thing to avoid Stop dating men who have no purpose

These men are primarily broke or don’t know where they go in life. They have no life plan or what so ever. They take life as it goes.

They have low self-esteem or no value.  These men will bring you nowhere. 

If they are not aware and willing to take action to work on themself, these men will stay where they are and get you down. 

If someone isn’t making you stronger, they are making you weaker

4. Avoid dating Beta-males

Hear me out! There is nothing wrong with Beta-males. Suppose they use these Beta tendencies well balanced like we all have feminine and masculine treats in us. He owns these tendencies but not as a lack.

He isn’t a “real” Beta Male. He sometimes acts like a Beta Male. 

But dating a Beta-males that doesn’t own this tendency is just going to lower your feminine assets. Beta-males lacks mostly winners mentality.

They choose the easy way by avoiding taking the risk in life. Beta-males almost appear like “friends” rather than man. 

Suppose they have to make a decision; they leave it on you. 

Funny is their first name. Don’t get me wrong; I love men with humour. But I am not in a stand-up comedy show. 

Beta-Males are taking more of you than they add value for your best interest. So don’t lower your feminine assets and start dating high calibre men.

5. Never lower yourself in any situation

We’re all human beings, so we all have to deal with insecurities through all facets of our life. Don’t be that woman who lowers herself when it gets tricky. 

Instead, a feminine woman put herself on a pedestal without looking down on others. 

She honours herself and works her way through the difficult moments of life. 

The most beautiful part of this all is that your man is putting you on a pedestal. He sees YOU as women with high values and embraces her feminine assets.

6. Stop being a people pleaser. This lowers your feminine asset

Sometimes we as women want to be friendly to men but don’t let it get extreme. 

Don’t give your most valuable part away so easily. Let him invest in you if he values you as a woman. Every time you give yourself away intimate that easy, you give a part of yourself to these men. Books: Boundaries in Dating by Henry Cloud
Relationship goals by Micheal Todd.

Let him please you by spending time with you because he sees you as a high standard woman. So don’t give your feminine assets away to men that easily. 

7. The brutal thing to avoid is neglecting your feminine appearance

7 ways you lower your feminine assetsIn our singleness, we as a woman do a lot to attract the opposite sex. Most women use their femininity to catch that man. But when he’s in, we start neglecting our feminine appearance.

You aren’t wearing those lovely dresses anymore or working on our grooming.

Men don’t like that because they think you’ve used your “femininity” to trap them in something you’re aren’t. Never neglect your feminine appearance because that’s your asset.


A feminine woman makes choices that empower her feminine assets. Because she knows who she is and what she wants from life.

Therefore she attracts high calibre men who value your feminine assets.

Ladies, use your feminine assets wisely by avoiding these brutal things that will lower your feminine Asset. 

Do you use your assets wisely, or are there things you were not aware of doing on this list?

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