How to Use The 7 Feminine Archetypes discover the secrets

The 7 feminine archetypes

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In nowadays society, women are less feminine and more masculine. Our role as women changes through the different Ages.

We aren’t just running the household, but we are working woman/moms. 

Some women have the role of women and male. We lost our femininity in so many ways. We dress more masculine, speak in a manly way, behave masculine and so on. And in all this, we lost how to be feminine. 

So we have to discover how to be and act like feminine women. When you find your true feminine and use it wisely, you have the true power to get what you want in a fruitful way.

But how do you get what you want in life, relationships and so on?

Therefore you need to know your feminine archetype. What is your true power from within?

Discover which of 7 feminine archetypes you are

Carl Jung analyses these 7 feminine archetypes. These are natural behavioural patterns and function as the base. 

This unconsciously affects how we as women act or react in life. The book Goddesses in Everywoman by J.S.Bolen explains the archetypes. Bolen uses the Greek Goddesses to personify the patterns of femininity. 

These Greek Goddesses are a mirror of every (modern-day) woman. You and I have our own flaws and strengths.

If you understand these 7 archetypes, you can use them to become your better self. Because you understand who you are and where you want to be or don’t want to be in life.

You are capable of defining your own path. 

All feminine women have all these 7 archetypes within them. But as we know, there will always be one who is predominantly present.

The Maiden
The Sage / Wise woman
The Hunteress
The Lover
The Queen
The Mother
The Mystic

Is your true feminine power the one of a Maiden

The Maiden is an innocent girl who fully enjoys her youth. She is full of life and approaches everything with much enthusiasm. 

Rihanna gains life experience from the experiences she has been gone through. As a Maiden, she approaches life comprehensively and learns true trial end error. 

The maiden archetype

Because of lack of expertise, Maidens can trap on the hard side of life. By being manipulated or having abusive relationships.  But when becoming mature, they are more rational in their choices.  

These women show their creativity and arise as true Queens. Persephone was an innocent Greek Goddess who’s separated from her mother, Demeter. The God of the underworld takes her away from her mother.

But Persephone has managed herself to be the Queen of the underworld.

Discover if you predominantly are you a woman of Wisdom

Oprah Winfrey is the most inspiring woman who gained a lot of Wisdom. By reading and life experience. 

The Sage women are sincere and trusting their intuition. They know who they are as a person and are fully at peace with themselves.

The Sage archetype

The Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Athena, also gains knowledge by being inquisitive. This archetype is dominated by proper discipline, competitive and strategically competent. These women married men with power.  

Sage women are more drawn to a man than a woman. Their biggest challenge is their lack of creative energy and aloofness.

Discover if you are the Huntress archetype

Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo. This Greek Goddess was a great huntress. With her arrows, she never misses her goals.

She was also known for her beauty and sensibility. 

Women with a strong Huntress archetype are independent, self-assured. They work hard to reach their goals.

Coco Chanel or Serena Williams are real Hunters. They have a strong belief to build a life of abundance and fulfilment. With a good set of courage, focus and inner ambition, they achieve what they set for. 

The huntress Archetype

Feminine Hunters also have their flaws because they are so driven to reach their goals.

This makes them emotionally unavailable. It can be hard for someone to fit into their lives. 

Uncover if you have more of the seductive Lover feminine power

The Goddess of Love, like Venus, symbolises desire, sexuality, fertility, beauty and prosperity.

This feminine archetype loves to connect with other people and desire intense intimacy. She loves to be the centre of attention.

Take Samantha from “Sex and the City” or Marilyn Monroe.  These feminine ladies drive every man wild by using their sensual energy.

The lover archetype

Mainly these types of women work in the creative field, where they can express themself. 

The downside of these women is a lack of focus.

She cares more about what people think of her.  This archetype uses her sexuality to get what she wants, also manipulative. And their biggest fear is being alone.

Is natural leadership within you, then The Queen is your strongest archetype?

The Queen is a natural-born leader. Think of Queen B (Beyonce). She is confident because she knows her worth.

The Queen archetype

They don’t accept a NO.

Everything is possible with enough devotion and hard work.

The Queen archetype appeals to assertive men with power. She shows loyalty to him and his ambitions. 

These feminine queens see other women as a threat, even when they show their disloyalty to her. Like Zeus did to Queen Hera. 

Always love to nurture, then your solid feminine power is a Mother archetype

The main dominance of a Mother archetype is caring by nurturing. Her true calling is embracing motherhood.

She doesn’t give birth to children of her own, like Mother Teresa

Jeanne Lanvin, the mother of fashion, embraced her motherhood fully when she gave birth to a daughter.

The Mother Archetype


She started to make high-quality clothes for her baby daughter. Jeanne daughter was her all.

So was the daughter of Demeter, Persephone, who has been taken away from her.    

Mother archetypes are controllers, and their way is the only way. They put other people’s needs before their needs.

Striving for inner peace, then you are a Mystic Archetype

Hestia Goddess of the heart loves to focus her energy on inner fulfilment.

The mystic Archetype is introverted. She doesn’t mind focusing and learning more about her inner peace. 

Mystics are great communicators. With their sense, they choose the style of communication for each person they’re talking to. They are careful with their words. Sometimes it can sound cryptical with powerful effects. 

Dita Von Teese is a so-called mystic archetype.

The Mystic archetype


Knowing the traits of each archetype will help you understand WHEN and HOW to use this for your best. 

We all go through different phases of life, so we need every archetype to help us through these moments.

These archetypes are complemented to each other. Knowing yourself by learning how to implement these archetypes in different settings will help you to empower your feminine part.

Which of these 7 feminine archetypes is your most predominant one? And how will you use the less dominant ones to get still what you want in life?

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