The persuasive power of feminine archetype Artemis

Feminine Archetype Artemis Goddess of the hunt

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Are you always interested in living your own life doing the things you love to do?  When doing this, you always get criticised for acting more like a lady? 

When hearing that time after time, you get frustrated and doubt yourself. What is wrong with discovering the world, new challenging activities.

Why can’t a lady do all this thing and be her authentic self? Are you the only person who likes to do “boyish” activities? What are boyish activities anyway!!!

People don’t understand you. Maybe you don’t understand yourself either. When people around you say the same over and over again. Doubting yourself is what you will do after a while. 

Don’t take note of that. There is nothing wrong with you.
Artemis, the feminine archetype, was the goddess of the hunt. She loves “boyish” activities. 

Who is feminine archetype Artemis

Artemis is beside Athena and Hestia, one of the virgin goddesses.

Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo.

She is the daughter of Leto and Zeus.

For the Romans, Artemis was Diana. 

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Greek Goddess Feminine Archetype Artemis

Artemis is the feminine archetype who gets the freedom of her father and mother to do whatever she likes. When Zeus asked her what she wanted, Artemis had several requests. 

She wants a silver bow with arrows for the hunt. Nymphs to go along with. A strong sisterhood. Artemis also asked for eternal chastity.  Her father gave consent for all Artemis asked for.

Therefore, they symbolised Artemis as the Greek Goddess of the hunt, wilderness, wild animals, and the moon. 


What is feminine Archetype Artemis her persuasive power?

Her persuasive power is that she never missed her target. Suppose she spots her target and draws her arrow into her bow. The only thing Artemis focuses on is to hit her target.   

She doesn’t get distracted from her goal. Artemis is elusive like a hare. When she puts her mind on something, she goes for it. Everything she reaches in life is by acting and using her inner power. No one has to tell her what to do. She doesn’t need any approval from a man or woman.

Artemis is an unbothered Feminine Goddess. 

The second persuasive power; is that she loves to explore different kinds of wildernesses. She was accompanied mainly by her Nymphs. An active Feminine was Artemis. She loves doing things. When Artemis discovers a new area, she puts her attention on learning new things. She pays attention. How certain animals behave, react or live. 

Greek Goddess of the Wilderness, Feminine Archetype Artemis


What makes the feminine archetype Artemis persuasive?

Archetype Artemis has the power to show her ideals and principles. She isn’t afraid to stand up for other girls or women. She is a feminist when it comes to empowering the sisterhood. In her eyes, no one touches a girl, woman without her permission.

If a man has the nerve, she will punish this man rudely. Like she did with Aktaion, who she transformed into a dear. After he was spying on her and her Nymphs while bathing, Aktaion gets chased by his own hunting dogs. 

Artemis has no hard feelings for anybody who wants to puts her or others down.

Are you, a feminine archetype Artemis

If you recognise these characteristics, you would just be an Artemis archetype.

You could! 

Which means that you have Artemis traits by nature. Assertiveness from heart, having inner authenticity.

You are the hero in all your dreams. You are conquering the world and fearless in everything you attempt. If you have an avatar, mentor or someone you look up to. It is always a woman you also want to become. Then you can mark yourself as Arthemis.   

If you aren’t assertive by nature, you could activate the Male Animus in you.

Carl Jung explains this as the masculine part in a female.

Learning how to be assertive.

Learn masculine skills like changing a tire, for instance.

This doesn’t mean you’re Archetype Artemis. You just activate your Male Animus, just in case you are going to need this. 

How circumstances could also uncover your Artemis Feminine Archetype.

If you married at a young age, and life took your husband away from you. Living like a widow, now you discover new things you didn’t know of. Travelling the world on your own, without minding it. You just enjoy it to the fullest. Or actively contribute to women’s movements with ideals you stand for. 

But to understand who you really are is to learn more about the different archetypes and the male animus. C.Jung did a study on this topic. 

What is the persuasive power of Artemis in modern society?

Artemis persuasive power is still going on in modern society. As you know, I also write about fashion. I couldn’t resist talking about Maria Grazia Chiuri. 

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She is the creative director of Dior. She shows several characteristics of the feminine archetype Artemis.

She is the first female creative designer who only works with women. When asked by Dior, she wanted to work with female photographers, artists, writers only. 

Woman empowerment Dior

Her point of view is presenting women and their femininity in a different way. To empower the female movement.

Just like the feminine archetype Artemis did. She was the protector of women by standing up for them. Artemis lived in a predominantly male world. She had her own point of view about women empowerment. She wanted only Nymph and no male protectors.

Chiuri says, “now we live in a time to put more women in positions she is in”.

Maria Grazia Chiuri shows her statement on the runway with her designs.

In several ready-to-wear shows, the models wear shirts with lyrics like “sisterhood global”. With this, Maria Garzia shows persuasive feminist power in the fashion industry.

Is feminine archetype Artemis receptive to love?

Feminine archetype Artemis was unapproachable for love. But that doesn’t mean she can’t fall in love or have a relationship.

If Artemis is the only archetype in you, your relationships with men are less intimate. Sometimes relationships of an Artemis archetype can feel like bother-sister.

Like Artemis and Apollo, who was her twin brother.

When an Artemis archetype shows interest in a man, he mainly shares an equal interest. 

Chanel was a real Artemis archetype and maybe a little bit of Aphrodite. Coco Chanel fell in love twice. Her second love with “Boy” Capel wasn’t like a Hera archetype. 

Archetype Hera is the devoted wife. She couldn’t be that dedicated wife. After “Boy” died, Chanel put all her attention on building her brand.

When having several archetypes in you, great relationships can build with a man or woman. 

Some men find an Artemis archetype attractive.

She is irresistible in his eyes because she is his feminine counterpart.

Or they want what she has. Her assertiveness, independence and determination to get what she wants. To not lose interest in a man, an Artemis archetype will look for her alter ego.


There is nothing wrong with you. If you love to discover new things, do extreme sports, or focus on a task that will change your life. Or have a strong feeling to help others. In particular, woman. 

This means you have more of a feminine archetype Artemis in you. The huntress of the wilderness. Greek goddess of the moon and protector of young girls, woman and animals.

If you recognise these characteristics in you, you can use them to your advantage. Or maybe you want more of Aphrodite or Demeter in you. Now you can do your research on how to activate the other archetypes in you.


Now you know more about the Artemis archetype, do you recognise yourself in Artemis. If you aren’t an Artemis archetype, would you like to have more of her personality? 

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